Mommy Doc Madness: Hunger in Haiti
I made it four days through my five-day journey, and I was feeling pretty good about my experience. After three trips, I knew what to...

Mommy Doc Madness: Wednesday In Haiti
Wednesday is always a challenging day on these trips. It's the day that we pack up everything we need for a mobile clinic and drive to a...

Mommy Doc Madness: Fresh Perspective
The first full day in Haiti is always enlightening. The best part is sharing a worship experience with our Haitian partners. Seeing and...

Mommy Doc Madness: Haiti First Impressions
I had the privilege of returning to Haiti last week for my third trip. I was especially excited about this trip as I would be sharing it...

Mommy Doc Madness: An Attitude Adjustment
I'm flying out for Haiti in the morning for my third medical mission trip with Bless Back Worldwide. I woke up this morning bright eyed...

Mommy Doc Madness: Hope
Have you ever noticed that God gets your attention in ways that you don’t always expect? I had a seminary professor who often said...

Mommy Doc Madness: Wonderment
Well, we knew the day would come sooner rather than later and it happened a few nights ago. We had “the talk” about Santa Claus with our...

Mommy Doc Madness: Giving Your Best
Several nights this week, I have found myself shooing my children off my bed so I could go to sleep. Somehow, my bed is their favorite...

Mommy Doc Madness: All About Perspective
We were on our way to church yesterday morning. Getting four kids out the door ready for church is always a challenge. So, by the time...

Mommy Doc Madness: Halloween Hangover . . .
Well, it's been a week and I'm still hungover from Halloween! No, no alcohol involved. I'm just pooped. Halloween Day my kids were off...